Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Rori is 2!

Rori is 2 and what a joy she is! Here are some of the highlights from the last year

  • She looooves her daddy.  Anytime he walks in the house she will  RUN to him yelling DAAAAADEEEE! and gives him a knee high hug.  It's the sweetest thing ever!
  • she has learned what most animals say, however she call most things a cow. 
  • she  has made up for lost time with talking.  Her Dr. said she is advance in  her speaking.  That's for sure!
  • Chocolate, by far, is her most favorite thing to eat
  • She loves to pretend anything she is holding is a phone.  At bath time one night, she had a whale in one ear and a dolphin in the other talking back and forth like she was on a phone.
Can't believe how fast this year has gone.  She is so much fun and a true joy to our family.  A perfect ending to a wonderful family!