Monday, April 25, 2011

Can you smell it???

I love how a smell can bring back a memory.  Recently I was walking my dog outside.  It was a warm, rainy morning.  I could smell dirt.  I love the smell of dirt when it rains. LOVE IT! On the road was maybe a million worms.  (might be a slight stretch).  I remembered when my daughter, August, was young she was the worm whisperer.  She would save every worm she could.   She often would have a container filled with dirt as a home for her rescues.  I treasure that memory.  I treasure her.  I treasure she was given to me.   

Friday, April 8, 2011

Today is her birthday! (Let's pretend it's yesterday, eh?)

Today is the celebration of the birth of my daughter, Shelby.  I remember this day 14 years ago so well.  There has not been a day that I have not been extremely proud to be her mom.  I am blessed and humbled that she was given to me.  She is an amazing young lady.  She makes her decisions based on her faith.  She's there to lend a hand whenever needed.  She's trustworthy.  She's intelligent.  She's beautiful.  She has a great sense of humor.  You might think that I'm just saying this because she's my daughter, but you'd be wrong.  These are all characteristics of Shelby. Ask anyone.

I find myself thinking about the future a lot now for Shelby.  She will be starting high school next year.  She will have many big decisions to make in the coming years.  It won't always be easy and I won't always be by her side to help guide her.  It's true when people say that you have to trust in the way you've raised your children at some point in their lives.   I have a few precious years to continue to raise and lead and guide her, I know that all too soon she'll be away at college.  For the moment, I will cherish all of the time I have with her.

I know she's not the rosy, chubby, cherub of a baby she was 14 years ago, but she is most certainly still an angel.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Parents VS. kids

Recently Tim "volunteered" to play against Shelby's basketball team.  The truth is, Shelby asked me and I said Tim would do it.  Tim was on board and a great time was had by all.  As one of Shelby's friends said "the parents were acting like the Harlem Globe Trotters!