Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Who knew we'd learn to sew!

I once made the statement, "I could live in Indiana for 40 years and not know how to sew".  At the time, that was my heartfelt feeling.  Weeelllll that all changed when my oldest daughter decided she wanted to learn how to sew.  I put the feeler out on facebook to see if anyone had a sewing machine that they didn't want anymore.  Lo and behold one of my friends did and she gave it to me for FREE! I brought it home and it sat on my counter for a few days.  I made the all important phone call to my reining "Elkhart County Homemaker of the year" friend and asked if she would be willing to help.  I'm pretty sure she had to pull herself off the floor from fainting to hear such a request from me, but she agreed to come.  We started at the happiest place on Earth (not Disney..Hobby Lobby:)) to get supplies and lessons on how to purchase a pattern.  We spent the afternoon at our house and had such fun!

Paying very close attention

Now to iron the seam

close up of her sewing

got to use the doohickie to make sure the hem matched the whole way around

she pinned it to mark the hem line

Isn't this cute!!

Don't you like how I used some sewing terminology?! I like the sewing word "doohickie".  Sounds so professional!

Shelby wore this to church recently.  Some would say "Now, Samantha, you didn't sew, Shelby did" and you would be correct.  I did, however, pay very close attention and think I could do a little of what she did.  If not, I always have my "Homemaker of the Year" friend. Friends are good to have. 

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